FIG Online Registrations

Registration form to the First FIG Young Surveyors Conference, Rome, Italy 4-5 May 2012

Rome, Italy, May 4 2012 – May 5 2012

Our system is currently unstable. We apologize. If you have tried to register and received an error (Illegal access), please try again. NB - You need to refresh your browser (press F5) and enter all information again.

Note: Currently only VISA and MasterCard/Eurocard are supported as online payment methods.

Please fill in this form and submit it to FIG Office for processing. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are obligatory.


Title : Mr  Ms  Dr  Prof
First Name (*):
Last Name (*):
Badge name (appearing highlighted in the badge, typically your first name; max. 15 characters) (*):

Organisation (*):
Position :
Area of profession : In which general area of the profession do you predominantly work?
Academic Government Private Student Other, please specify:
Address (*):
Address (cont.) :
City (*):
Zip Code :
District (e.g. state):
Country (*):
E-mail (*) : Please only give one email address!
Passport number: Only fill in if you need a visa.
Presenter : Please check the box if you have submitted a paper at the conference.

Accompanying Persons

I would like to register the following accompanying person
First Name:
Last Name:
I would also like to register the following accompanying person
First Name:
Last Name:


Arrival Date: Time: Flight no.:
Departure Date: Time: Flight no..:
Note: Please use the date format, e.g. 15.09.2003.


A. Registration Fees

Note : Only one delegate, student, daily or date range registration per form!
Conference Before May 4, 2012 After May 4, 2012 No. of persons
Conference delegates EUR 100 EUR 100  
Young Surveyors EUR 100 EUR 100  
Accompanying persons EUR 0 EUR 0  
Daily registration  EUR 100 EUR 100  
Delegate fee and student fee are for young surveyors under 35 years. You have to show your ID at the registration desk. Daily registration is meant for participants that are older than 35 years. The organisers may have to limit the number of participants due to limited space.
Two-day registration EUR 425 EUR 450 EUR 500
Tick dates that apply (2 days)
May 4, 2012
May 5, 2012

B. Voluntary Donation


Voluntary donation to FIG Foundation


Conference Bag choice
At each conference a conference bag is included in the fee. We will continue to offer a bag for those who are interested. If you are not interested in a bag and do not want to use it, we give the option that the organisers will in stead donate a sum equivalent to the bag price to a charity. Please tick below your preferred option which will give an indication on how many bags to order:
I would like to receive the conference bag
I do not need the conference bag – the organizer will instead donate a sum equivalent to the bag to a charity


Payment Method

If you are invited as complimentary guest and there is no payment involved (the total sum of the registration is zero), please choose "I will use bank transfer".

I will use online payment with VISA or Master/Eurocard

I will use bank transfer


NOTE: Administration fee for online payments is 3.75% of the total cost. Administration fee for bank transfer is a fixed sum of EUR 10.

NOTE: In the case of cancellations after registration the following policy on refunds will be used:

  • By Feb 4, 2012 (90 days or more before the starting day of the conference) - full refund minus administration fee of EUR 50
  • On or after Feb 5, 2012 up to Apr 4, 2012 (30 to 89 days before the starting day) - 50% of all payments
  • After Apr 4, 2012 - No refund.
 I accept having read the FIG cancellation and privacy policy Click to read


 Special Requests

Please indicate your age and main interest to attend the Young Surveyors Conference in case that some selections needs to be done between the registered participants.



Note: Clicking the Proceed button displays a confirmation form with total sums. The final registration information is sent only after you have approved information on the confirmation form.


International Federation of Surveyors FIG – Kalvebod Brygge 31-33, DK-1780 Copenhagen V, Denmark
VAT No. DK 21336076 – tel. +45 38 86 10 81, e-mail: