Prof. Stig Enemark appointed FIG Honorary President
Marrakech, Morocco 18 May 2011
Henning Elmstroem, DdL, Honorary President Stig
Enemark and President CheeHai Teo, FIG. |
“Everything that can be counted does not
necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted”
(Albert Einstein)
FIG’s 34th General Assembly saluted Prof. Stig Enemark’s
contributions to the Profession and the Federation with an appointment as
FIG Honorary President. The nomination came from the Danish Association of
Chartered Surveyors (DdL), unanimously supported by the Council and
President Henning Elmstroem of DdL made the recommendation before the
General Assembly in Marrakech, Morocco. The General Assembly and the
Federation thanked Prof. Enemark for an energetic and illustrious
Heartiest Congratulations to FIG Honorary President Prof. Stig Enemark!
 Honorary President
Stig Enemark and FIG President CheeHai
Teo. |
 Honorary President
Stig Enemark and FIG President CheeHai
Teo. |
30 May 2011