Quo Vadis - International Conference
FIG Working Week 2000, 21-26 May, Prague


Commission 9 as Key to Global Network of Appraisal and Valuation Organizations 

by G. Michael Yovino-Young

Key words: appraisal, valuation, profession.  

Throughout the world, there are many regional trade organizations that reflect the localized profession of valuer and appraiser. The only linkage beyond regional borders is presently found in the Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy (CASTLE) which is limited to former colonies and British ruled countries.

There is a need to create a multi-national, multi-regional communication within the property valuation professions worldwide. Only FIG has the broad membership structure that encompasses all parts of the world. Commission 9 is dedicated to serve member organizations within which a valuation profession exists. Beyond the FIG member organizations that are mainly if not exclusively land surveying oriented, Commission 9 has the capacity to outreach to valuation organizations and land economists to create a truly international level of communication.

Beyond the membership of CASTLE which now numbers some 33 countries, there are only regional organizations serving the property valuer. In Latin America, UPAV (Union Panamericana de Asociaciones de Valuadores) has approximately eight member countries.

In Europe, TEGoVA (The European Group of Valuers’ Associations has member organizations in 26 countries.

The only truly international organization currently existing is the International Valuation Standards Committee or IVSC, based in London. This organization was created in 1978 and is mainly directed towards the establishment of universally accepted standards of professional best practices, and has been successful in collaboration with he financial and banking institutions

In North America, there are informal associations between the various professional organizations in the USA and Canada. In southern Africa, the Republic of South Africa and neighboring Zimbabwe have mutual contact between valuation and related organizations. The same is true for Australia, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea.

However, none of these has any official organizational status or common purpose.

FIG currently has 76 member organizations from 65 countries representing all parts of the globe. Affiliate members and Academic members from five additional countries, provide, 70 countries in total number, the best worldwide coverage of any professional organization.

It is an objective of Commission 9 to establish communication links with valuers in all countries represented in FIG and outreach to valuers in other countries where FIG is not presently represented.

The task is to identify and establish communications with the leaders of organizations of valuers and appraisers, to set up a series of basic topics of mutual interest, create opportunities for sharing of expertise and experience, and finally, offering opportunities to come together for exchange of technical papers and research projects.

It is further expected that FIG’s Commission 9 will liaison with regional organizations, the International Valuation Standards Committee (IVSC), and interested members of academia to further the sharing of mutual goals and objectives with countries and regions that demonstrate a need for such help and expertise. It is anticipated that many of these goals will be furthered by FIG’s status as an NGO within the various programs of the United Nations.

G. Michael Yovino-Young, MAI, ASA, FRICS
Chairman, FIG Commission 9
2716 Telegraph Avenue
California 94705
E-mail: myovino-yovino@yovino.com 

This page is maintained by the FIG Office. Last revised on 15-09-04.