Joint FIG–UN-Habitat Seminar on "Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing" - 16-18 June 2007

The prevention of slums, which represent an all too big part of housing globally, is an important part of reaching the Millennium Development Goals. Having no security of tenure and no access to functioning financial mechanisms, one billion people are kept from achieving an acceptable housing standard. Surveyors play a key role in establishing rights, and in linking functioning markets for housing and finance.

During two days of the 2008 Working Week special attention will be paid to this in a series of sessions, jointly organised between FIG and UN-Habitat, in which the possibilities of the surveying world and the financial sector in changing this will be the main focus. What are the pro-poor tools that can be used in formalising informal rights and where have they been used successfully; which innovative financial solutions can be used in liberating capital for housing improvements; what do they require in the form of land administration systems are some of the questions for which we will seek answers during what is aimed to be a dialogue between professionals working within this broad spectrum of activities. You can participate in the preparations and dialogues by visiting the conference web site at

Register to FIG / UN-HABITAT Dialogues. To be able to register you need to have registered to the FIG Working Week.